Every year I end up creating some Xmas stuff for the projects that I'm involved with. In 2016 I decided to go beyond the simple e-card. With the introduction of the iMessages apps, I thought it would be cool to create a festive set. This was also a perfect opportunity to explore a different style from the dominating all vector language that's going on in the web. I do love vectors, but there's nothing wrong in using other styles too :)
At the time I also wrote a blog post with some ideas and you can find the download links there too. https://www.topdox.com/last-minute-ideas-for-the-holidays-and-some-gifts-from-topdox/

Full set of digitally hand-drawn stickers.

There was also a campaign on social networks where I used all the references I could remember about Xmas related themes. ^^,


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